Accessibility Mentoring Program

Accessibility Mentoring Program. Together we can do so much.

The Accessibility Mentoring Program is starting its Fall 2022 rotation.  We are accepting applications from protégés around the world on a rolling basis.

Helping to coordinate this program has been an incredible experience. Our mentors are talented, experienced accessibility professionals who are willing to devote their time. Our protégés are equally talented professionals. Meeting both has been an honor. Mentoring is a true joy – I learn so much from the protégés I get to work with.

This rotation, we are expanding our offerings. We will also be offering a few 2-hour workshops to anyone who has applied on topics like interviewing and preparing for the IAAP certification.

I am grateful to the people and organizations in the accessibility community who make this program possible:

If you are interested in becoming a mentor or participating organization, please send an email to

Learn more at Accessible Community Mentoring or apply using our updated protégé application.